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Repeating an action
       doesn’t improve its quality;
               - it only makes it more familiar!

the Pi Concept Ausbildungszentrum Hamburg Logo

The Pi PiLates Concept - Concept® Mat Instructor Platinum
TPC® Mat Instructor Platinum

The Pi Concept - Concept Mat Instructor Platinum course comprises
11 star workshops with a total of 17 stars.
(1*= half-day workshop, 2*= full-day workshop, 3*= two-day workshop)

WS-01: The essences of an exercise (2*)
WS-A: Pregnancy (1*)
WS-B: Magic Circle (1*)
WS-C: Foam Roller (1*)
WS-D: Hands-on (1*)
WS-E: Voice&Image (1*)
WS-DE: Hands-On + Voice&Image (2*)
WS-F: The theory of training (1*) (required for WS-G, WS-H, WS-I)
(optional for physiotherapists)
WS-G: Fascia (3*)
WS-H: Individual focus on shoulder girdle (2*)
WS-I: Individual focus on pelvis (2*)
WS-J: More of Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Mat Repertoire (2*)

All workshops are open to certified mat instructors from other institutes!

The The Pi Concept Logo - Concept® (TPC®) - Training Center - in Hamburg - personal and individually tailored

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY The the Pi Concept Ausbildungszentrum Hamburg - Concept® by Joey Cordevin